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嶊身憟月 能栽芍 NATO


Kostya Mizer>> All 26.05.1999 01:45 This msg 00000E13 First reply 00000000
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T夾 , All!

=== Cut ===

Get NATO Out Of Kosovo! Balkans, Yugoslavia, Serbia

Get the United Nations / NATO out of Kosovo Serbia Yugoslavia!!!!


The NATO forces must stop their nightly attacks on the Serbian people! Our governments should have no involvement in this conflict, one that has been raging on for centuries! The United Nations/Nato (Whatever this Zionist organization wants to call itself today), led by the United State's government has interferred with the politics and wars in many countries over the years, but they have obviously bitten off more then they can chew with this conflict! The Serbian people are armed and prepared to fight until the death defending their land. The U.S. Government attempted to use the Jewish media in it's attempt to persuade its' citizens that our participation in this war was neccesary, but they have been highly unsuccessful so far. Any intelligent person can see that not only are we not accomplishing anything constructive in our bombings, but we are setting the precedence for another World War! Isn't it ironic that the only people dying are the innocent civilians that are being "accidentally" bombed? How many pe
ople, bridges, vehicles, stores and homes have to be destroyed before NATO finds a new country to pick on and new victims to bully their "New World Order" laws onto? Our lousy missiles have struck the Chinese embassy, hospitals, shopping centers and even Romania, an entirely different country! And for those liberals out there that believe that the NATO airstrikes are the only way to force Serbian troops out of Kosovo, your hypocrital justification of murder to stop murder is insane. This war, between Muslims and Christians, has been raging on in the Balkan region for centuries and the only thing that has changed is that the Serbian people are once again in power. One things is for sure, our tax dollars should not be used for the murders of innocent Serbian people!

proudserb.jpg Serbian Women Crying Over United Nations Attacks

It is downright scary how our President Clinton, an admitted draft dodger of the Viet Nam war, could even consider signing anything that would force our soldiers to attack this country! The "ethnic atrocities" that the Serbian soldiers are accused of comitting are no different than the ones that their "victims" have done to them for hundreds of years. This is a civil war with no right or wrong side to support, just different ethnic/religious parties fighting over political power. In any war, there must be victors and losers, and unfortunately for the Muslims - in this one they are surely destined to be murdered or driven out in mass numbers! That is the real reason for our involvement, the surrounding countries do not want to support the tens of thousands of Albanians fleeing Kosovo daily. But what about the more than 700,000 Palestinians that were exiled from the newly created Israel in 1948? Now NATO is pumping these Albanian refugees into OUR countries! These immigrants will never want to leave their new "
homes," how could you believe that they'd want to leave our charity and welfare in return for their farm houses and NATO-demolished villages? This trash Muslim race will be a social and economic leech on all of us for a long time to come.

unpiss.gif Animated man pissing on United Nations Flag

Although I hope that this war does not esculate into a major World War, all the signs of this occuring are evident! I also hope that it does not take the loss of many American soldier's lives to prove that we should have never sent them over there in the first place. So far, three American soldiers have been confirmed to be captured by the Serbian forces. <img align="left" src="soldiers.jpg" ALT="captured American soldiers"> They released the P.O.W.s, but despite this action of good will and peace, NATO continues to bomb them without pause. Does NATO really believe that they can continue to terrorize the Balkan region with millions of dollars worth of missiles a day without them launching a counter-attack? I am waiting anxiously for NATO to stop fighting their cowardly war, a war of missiles launched from the sea and far above the land. Isn't it time for them to invade on foot? Sure, NATO can easily afford the billions of dollars in weapons that are being dropped onto Serbian cities nightly, but eventually th
ey will have to stop these chicken-shit attacks and fight a real war. At that time, I think both NATO and America can expect a high casualty loss.

NO_UN.GIF Say No to the UN!

And if it does come down to a full-blown war, I hope that the Serbian people rise up and smash the U.S.-led bullies. Don't get me wrong, I would gladly die in any war that threatened the freedom or livelihood of my once beautiful country, but I will never support the murdering of innocent people or countries that we should not be attacking! Enough is enough! This NATO is nothing more than a terror force out enforcing their "New World Order." We should not become the "police force" of the world, we should stay out of that region and worry about the problems that we are facing on these shores!<b><br>
The Serbs have hundreds of thousands of people ready to die fighting for not only their lives, but for the freedom of their land, what do the American soldiers have to fight for.... a paycheck?

Please contribute your opinions and views to the White Pride Network's Serbian Guestbook.

=== Cut ===

見, 能剁漭恢. -MizzeR.

... irks maze toy
--- 能桐郃妞 丟碪 身扎摵鄖恢陋 殫恢璆 洫迨咧妞
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