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Kostya Mizer>> Roman Pesterev 19.03.1999 23:31 This msg 00000CA8 First reply 00000000
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Эвтаназии Вам, Roman!

 в день Thu Mar 18 1999 и час 06:57 Roman Pesterev информирует All, а сейчас:

 RP> ... mr self destruct

=== Cut ===
─ racwr mailing list (2:5061/101.93) ────────────────────────────────── RACWR ─
 Msg : 1200 of 1336 -1198 +1285 Pvt Loc K/s
 From : Kostya Mizer 2:5061/26.28 Fri 12 Mar 99 15:06
 To :
 Subj : [racwr] Re: PGP
Эвтаназии Вам !

 KK> Меня можете загрести -- я не еврей ни на сколько. Да вот только зачем
 KK> -- я вполне безобидный плановой наркоман. Если прикажете -- подсяду
 KK> на героин, хотя нет -- это американизм, я уж лучше сопьюсь.

=== Cut ===


   Abortion is a murder, as Dobbs said, but it's murder in self defense.
Our church believes retroactive abortions should be allowed up to
the fifth decade. If the child hasn't become a SubGenius by age fifty,
well, declare it bad seed and terminate. Abort. It's a hopelessly
compromised... _a _human.
   Troubled youth? Terminate. Give these suicidal children guns
and drugs. Make a contest. Weed out the brain-weak and the swooning
and the lightweights and the joiners and the needers. ``_The _world
_is _so _mean, _I _need _drugs, _I'm _destroying _myself.'' Well then,
destroy yourself and quit _whining! Go down in flames... but don't bitch
to us about it. Kill yourself! There'll be more goodies left for us, the
more of you chumps die.
   One must remember *The *Good *Riddance *Factor: sure, there are lots
of death to drugs and unlicensed handguns... but how many of these deaths
are really a loss to society? One asshole just saves the society the cost
to execute another asshole. THAT'S why drugs and guns MUST be legalized.
Not because we want them, but because it would sift out the humans and
leave the fit SubGeniuses, who would survive these poisons and temptations.
We practice *Strength *Through *Disfigurement. We LIKE toxic waste fume

-- from Chapter 13: Victory Through Hate (Revelation X
The ``Bob'' Apocryphon
Hidden Teachings and Deuterocanonical Texts of J. R. ``Bob'' Dobbs)

=== Cut ===

 KK> P.S. С удовольствием выслушаю обвинения


 KK> в антисемитизме от остальных подписчиков.

Сигма, приятель. -MizzeR. np Legendary Pink Dots "the Maria Dimension"

... conquest, love & self perseverance
-+- профанизм есть индустриальное щупальце мондиализма
 + Origin: ...Мы работаем под угрозой жизни (2:5061/26.28)
=== Cut ===

Сигма, приятель. -MizzeR.

... blood and souls for Arioch !!!
--- профанизм есть индустриальное щупальце мондиализма
 * Origin: ...Мы работаем под угрозой жизни (2:5061/38.242)

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