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Achtung Baby !


Kostya Mizer>> All 19.10.1998 22:28 This msg 000007B9 First reply 000007CE
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Area: 様様陵 NETMAIL (FastEcho Netmail Area)
From: 様様陵 Dmitriy Chabanenko, 2:5063/36.18 (Thu Oct 15 1998 08:33)
To: 様様様陵 Kostya Mizer
Subject:曜瞥 russian gothic compilation...
* Forwarded from SU.MUSIC.GOTHIC by Dmitriy Chabanenko (2:5063/36).
* Originally by: Yuri Yanov (2:5061/24.6), 痺 矣, 06 遶 1998 10:15.
* Originally to: Andrew Narkevich.

Hello Andrew!

 AN> 錢┼瘡 y キ ┐ワ ( Ε┘) 覩y痰碎 subj, CD (CD-R) 瘁モ.
 AN> p腮 皰, 艪 覃 ┼ヨ yぅ 甌ぅp碎 Ж罔 皰讓
 AN> ぅ痰y鉗 オ皋〓 (┃ yぅ =), オ皰p襯 ├ ラ ━ヮ
 AN> p筌瘁┏讚 諷 ぅ ( 罔p) 覩y瓷 ョキ 瓮...
 AN> 痰p釶 y皋碎 蹣瓷逾│諷 p蹣, etc... 皰 yぅ??? y
 AN> 艪: Romowe Rikoito, No Man's Land, Canonis, Moon Far Away, Tanquam,
 AN> アy茯┃ , Ε °碎 Decline, 諷┘, Lovecraft, y筮;, Neutral
 AN> & some more...
 AN> 腑y ≡ 轤 y??? ┃皀pメ 謌 キ┘ - 痰
 AN> 皀碎 轤 ぅ??? ┃皀pメ 轤??? メ - 荐皀 -
 AN> 絎硼 ° y 痰 轤━ ━矚...

腑 痰... ラ 痰.

 AN> , CD & tape メ-甅 yy p矚 瓮.痰━痰, .
 AN> p─覊...

え-錣┃, 甌キ覃 cpユ... 〓♂ - ※ゃ.. - :))) 轤 痰碎 キ か Δ 發カ讚痰 <ぅ. 蓊 筥瓱p竡 ...

-*- pオ 礑 -*-
▲pモ瘴 p覃 轤 p`硅 茱 ┼閹┘ ten years of madness (behind the iron curtain), 瓣濶キ 甌=甅 ぅ瘴皋モ 繧祗 ″; - ろか 1 遨. pモ p´痰 c 瓷碎, ラ ≡ p茫, 轤 <ぅ あ竇瘁モ覃 pカ├ 礫p皰 5 ゛Κ <モ.
sanctum - in two minds remix (unexclusive, taken from 10")
blood axis - reign i forever (unexclusive, the gospel of...)
hybryds - whisper (unexclusive, live, ein phallischer gott (CCA))
figura - exclusive fron AER demo, exZazerkalie, rostov, trance ambient with pagan touches
camerata mediolanense - exclusive live, to be confirmed
shinjuku thief - exclusive
inade - exclusive
ordo equilibrio - exclusive
inanna - exclusive, though he's too busy at the moment with the nursery injection fest, so... dunno, tbc
ataraxia - tbc
delphium - exclusive
rook - exclusive
maeror tri - archaeos (exclusive)
megaptera - tbc
heissenberg experiment - tbc
contrastate - unexclusive, from throwing out the baby...
stahlwerk 9 - exclusive, from alles fur die krieg, alles fur der front demo
reptilicus - exclusive
... Ε 艪 °, き..
甌キ, moon lay hidden 皙キ錺矚 瓣錻 ├▲痰覓 甌°皋ガ... 瓣錻 ━ Ε ( <ゃ △碎瘴 p´痰) 皙キ錺矚 der blutharsch, 絎硼 譟┃ 腑 ┃皀pメ瘴.

    dc> 痰皋, 艪 甌°皋?

≡ 轤 ぎp 諷え 腑痰▲ 333 蹣., ぅ-皰 99 <ぅ オ皰p覓 ├キキ鍖 (ぎキ鍖 pぅ der blutharsch, dissecting table, 艪-皰 磧pガ) pエГ achtung bastet cd - `p罔 achtung baby bastet records (= holger harantz of vuz records, cat's heaven).
-*- ユ pオ 礑 -*-

alien np maeror tri 'saltatrix'

 + Origin: death... just only death (FidoNet 2:5061/24.6)

Hello Kostya!


Best regards, Dmitriy.

-+- Anapa,Russia.
 + Origin: 讚痰 - ┼逾, 襷 矚竄痰※ガ 礑覈. (2:5063/36.18)

≒Ж , All!

 〓 甌=癶キ.
 ├ 痰牀.
 皰 /26 ウ ム癶キ讓,
    瘡 轤 ※ぅ.

 -艪 礒 ├キ┼瘡.

ps: 瓱, ▲爿 甎 H - ≪ 皚メ.
    ラ 甄竏ヨ...
    Ε蓐 牀甄 ムメ ▼閧.

┌, 爬閧カ. -MizzeR. np: OES "Soestitu Temporis Sensus"

... Uruz is a noble beast with mighty horns;
--- 牀├ メ碎 ┃ゃ痰爬讚 蜒趾 え├
 * Origin: ... `ガ 磽牀М ΘЛ (2:5061/38.242)

Max Sergienko>> Kostya Mizer 21.10.1998 11:13 This msg 000007CE First reply 00000000
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メ碎 .

 KM> ps: 瓱, ▲爿 甎 H - ≪ 皚メ.

甎ヨ ≪. 礫.

 KM> ラ 甄竏ヨ...

ラ 甄竏. .

 KM> Ε蓐 牀甄 ムメ ▼閧.


モ щ.

--- GoldED/386 3.00.Beta1+
 * Origin: (FidoNet 2:5061/38.1)

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