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Эвтаназии Вам, All!

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                        LES JOYAUX DE LA PRINCESSE




They has released an old 7" "L'Allemagne Annue Zuro" that is their very
first production, really interesting for the content and the artwork. It
was a limited edition 500 copies. Then, "Aux Petits Enfants de France" (at
a first time was a tape, then was printed as CD, Tesco 012) in a fantastic
packing, into a boxset containing one ear of corn wrapped in a French flag,
and other... It is rather noisy and industrial, based upon heavy loops put
togeteher in layers... very good... These are totally sold out, even if in
Europe sometimes it's still possible to find one somewhere, if one is lucky
and stubborn.

Next wonderful album was behind the "Ostenbraun" project together with
Death In June. "Ostenbraun" had previously been released on tape only with
a nice boxset presentation. "Ostenbraun" with DIJ was in origin a
double-tape work (sold-sold-out!), with interview to Douglas. The reprint
by World Serpent (digipack) is a record that 'must' be present on your

To end, Les Joyaux de la Princesse published also another 7", named "Wolf
Rune", with Freya Aswynn (ex Sixth Comm), during '96 (another time, a
superb packing) and, recently, a 10" (picture disc) split with Muslimgauze.

Also they took part at some interesting compilations. Among the others,
"Mysteria Mithrae", with a beautiful track together with Philippe Laurent.
An French artist, close to Les Joyaux De La Princesse (used to be kind of
"official" member"), Philippe Laurent partially produced "Ostenbraun", and,
if you can find his double digipack album called "Faste Occidental", you
should definitely try it...

"Die Weisse Rose" contains old and new material. It must be said that this
CD is a work by LJDLP together with Regard Extreme, another interesting
French band.



The catalog says that Die Weisse Rose was a female Anti-Nazi group of the
30s and 40s. If that's the case, the group "The White Rose" wasn't an all
female group. It was started by Hans Scholl (and some collegues), whose
sister Sophie later joined and played a central role (and was later
executed). Their story is a very interesting and inspiring one, and
definitely worth reading about. If that's what the CD centers around, you
may have to snag a copy somewhere....

But the music is very sad and haunting, quite beautiful. Parts of it sound
rather orchestral, others sound like they're performed on a church pipe
organ, and a couple are just solo piano, sounding like it's being played in
a vast empty hall. There's some German dialog over a couple of the tracks,
and others have some eerie, atmosperic electronic effects added. The whole
effect is a feeling of immense sadness, a look back into a time long past.

There's an 8 page booklet included with the CD, but it's entirely in
German, includes some photos of (I presume) the women of this group. The
Moon Lay Hidden Beneath the Clouds are also credited on the album.

German lyrics translation (from website called "Beauty for ashes")

Here are the translation to the liner notes of Die Weisse Rose (LJDLP).
These are very beautiful poems and I took much pleasure in reading and
translating them. German at the bottom (thanks to Don Gunning) I also put
them on a web page together with the german original and a few annotations
and biography and a picture of the Scholl siblings.

(or click on the 'Organisation:' field)

The White Rose was recorded in the winter of 1996 with the voice of Alzbeth
(TMLHBC) over music from LJDLP and Regard Extreme. We pray Alzbeth to
accept our thanks. Without her, this project would never have been
accomplished. Our thoughts and respect goto our friends Albin Julius,
Douglas P, Franck Armand (The child with the drum 3), Saphi (the
flagbearer), Alan Trench for his illimited patience and finally Elena P,
Euphem R, Friedrich N, Virginie S, Stephanie & Sylvie (Nuit et Brouillard
4), Eric & Audrey, Stephanie et Paul, the last born. Our comrades Kameraden
Klaus Joachim (Tesco) und Salt.

To the memory of Sophie S. Holy Love, Holy Life, Holy Void


Deep longing (to new shores) * Nature awoke to the sound of weapons * Now
dawn is breaking * Which irresistably foams downwards * Youth mourns
(funeral march) * White leaves * The last battle of life * The flame
released (born) * White rose * Taking leave * Deep longing * Never say


Come, be our guest, give us one tenth of what you promised. Under the
damned socialdemocrats we sometimes had a piece of meat but under you
there's only herring, herring, herring...

We are small, the power is yours! Yours is also the power and the glory for
some time ahead. Soon we will go into the battle. Be strong and sturdy, my
brothers! And may no one stop half-way again as once.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts that our empty bowels fume.
Hunger keeps the anger healthy. It will once crush you and, in the name of
humankind, all those who came with you.

Three stars did I see shining, three stars were shining light. Alas those
stars were not the stars of home. I saw three roses in glimmering blue air,
You roses of home, it was not your scent, It was not your scent; Three palm
trees stand by the sea, Foreign places are so empty! Three kisses I gave to
the wind, It will carry them over the sea.

There in a garden stands a green limetree

I kiss its bark at night in my dream At night in my dream, in a dream!



Here an interview with Eric Konofal of Les Joayaux de la Princesse I
realized few years ago for my fanzine ! Sorry for the awfull translations
in english :

* Can you make a short review of Les Joyaux de ta Princesse, tell me since
how many time this association exists, who compose it, what are its aims
and its means ? Does "Nocturne", the radioprogramme you animated on Radio
Beton in Tours always exist ?

- Les Joyaux de la Princesse is an association Law 1901 the goal is to
"Create, produce and diffuse difficult new musics". It was born ln 1986. At
the beginning, this name had been given to a radioprogram that I made on a
local radio station which had just started to broadcast, but the real
meaning which marked my life appeared only at the end of 1987 when I met
S.B. To avoid any confusion between my personal work and the one of the
radio, the radioprogram became in october "Nocturne". Since the disparition
of S.B., 1I am the sole member and its articutalion.

* Your production "Aux petits enfants de France" was first released in a
limited edition a 49 copies tapes contained in a box "black coffin" ! It
was an enthousicistic success to be re-issued few time after as a luxuous
CD packaging by the german label Tesco Organisation ! What was the link
between Les Joyaux de la Princesse and this label for this release of this
production-often misunderstood-as you wrote me it in one of your tetter ?

- We have to believe that this production, in its entire concept, has
awared J. Kohl of Tesco. First, I wasn't disposed to a such re-issue. Weeks
after weeks, my scepticism has gone and when the E.P. "Attemagne Annue
Zuro" was released, it has totally disappeared. I was warned by some
friends, but in reatity, today, I think that we can't be more honest than
this person who is comptetely lnvolved in his work. Prejudices were not
founded like there are often !

* Tell me about this production, about the whys and wherefores, about the
symbolism of the postcard, the document "Le Drapeau" and so on ?

- With this re-issue on CD, the meaning of the coffin, of the death
sentence to the "collaborationists" and of the number 49 was lost and it is
atways bothered me a little bit ! 49 was the number of Individuals went
over on the other side of the government and what it was necessary to shoot
to legitime this new temporary government. 49 was also the number of
letters contained in the initials of S.B. The whole above-detailled has
only a meaning if you see it as a whote. We can't spoil this "symbolic"
otherwise we will occult all the sense and the interest of this production
... the ear corn symbolising the work in the fields, the flag, the hope of
the nation reconstituted around its doctrine, the propagande free or almost
servant of all its apostoles, the added postcard is only here to illustrate
the title : "The yound boy". Now, this whole must imperativety be judged at
the past and not at the present time, it's a question of respect and again
here of integrity to respect.

* You wrote me that this production resutls from a recapitutalion of
radioprograms broadcasted on Radio Beton between 86/88 on the role of the
39/45 french government. How does the broadcasting of passages extract from
documents of the I.N.A. (the National Institut of Audiovisual) on which we
can listen, among other things, the Marechal Petain, has been perceived by
the officiats of the radiostation, by other animators or eventuatly by your
listeners '?

- Concerning my radioprograms, I would tike ta specify that, at any moment,
I didn't want to inftict a political planning or other. The use of
documents relating some episodes of World War II, as it was done, had for
effect and interest the support of historical themes and historical onty.
The musical adding covering the whole should give and bring back this
authentical climax and authentical only.

* How are your productions perceived by the critics or by a public more
informed ?

- My productions hadn't any criticism that the one I expect.

* Could you talk me about the concretisation of "Ostenbraun" double tapes
also released as a luxuous boxset with postcard ? How does the
collaboration progress with Douglas Pearce ? Was it difficult to convince
him to take part in it ?

- First, it was onty planned to edit an interview with Douglas Pearce, the
text for "Death In June Collaboration : Carried Away By Despair", used as a
womb, is gone after. Douglas was apparently very enthousiasted by the
musics I sent to him. At the time, he wrote me : "We have a similar
path!...". The use I was doing of the Poly-800 lnspired to him, I think,
like a kind of following to "The World Thot Summer"... This same keyboard
was used as a base-line for the retease of the double album but I learnt
this after and in my ingenuouness, maybe, I had completed something !
During this collaboration, at every musical as wel aesthetic change, I sent
it to Douglas... That took me a lot of time to have his entire approbation
and his benediction when the product was finished.

* Will this production be also released by Tesco or another label under a
CD format ?

- I think that the reeditlion on CD will be done. It's just a question of
time. This one will be certainty different and will not contain, of course,
the Interview ! There is no interest to edit such a thing ! So, I don't see
another label than N.E.R. or Les Joyaux de La Princesse to satisfy to this
new edition... Douglas adds "Ostenbraun" in the official discography of
Death In June.

* "Die Kapitutation - L'Attemagne Annue Zuro" is your third production !
What is this beautiful anthem we can listen on the second track of your 7"
? What can you tell me about this single ?

- I regret that you didn't know it !... This lovely tune was the sovietic
anthem and this version, the one which was formerly broadcasted through
speakers of tanks tolling on the ruins of Germany. The vision of
F.Rosselini's movie "Allemagne Annue Zuro" seems to be essential to
understand the interest to retease this record. All the Inspiration that I
had comes from this cinematographic work. There ls no possible ambiguity :
"A ta lueur tremblante de cette bougie symbolique, ce julleucht dont ta
flamme symbolise la Victoire de la Lumiere sur les tunebres et de l'espoir
sur la mort...".

* When we Listen to uour different productions, it seems that you are very
concerned by World War Il events ! Where does this interest come from ? Is
it a morbid attraction for this period, an attempt ta rehabilate a
misunderstood politic, a testimony as a witness of the contemrorary history
or an other thing ?

- Things must be ctear ! There is no possible rehabilitation of the past
after all this blood flooded from everywhere. Now, I think that there is
still a certain fear of tackling such topics. It's easier to use common
terms, but we can't see their impact and their meaning. We must present the
whote thing even it was blunt without prejudice neither nostalgie
interests! On the other hand, I don't see how we can be still satisfied of
these ideas so perfectly pre-established today ! The "collaboration" only
had for the pinnacle of stupidity almost often irresponsible from these
people encouraged ta cowardness... because abandonned to itsetf. But are we
so different... and for how many money and days will we be so brave... ln
fear, anguish and silence ! It's a question of moral and physical
integrity... "Douce France" shoutd be the title if I hadn't privileged the
ingenuouness of "Children" before the cowardness of these people so
"resistant" (at the tast hour!). Here again, only a few people understand
this, too hurried they are to satisfy their hate with complete impunity. If
it has any rehabititation, it was the one, of the poor consciences done
after the war, by these Individuats too coward to commit exactions without
being forgotten.

* What does this sentence Inspire ta uou : "the examination of the
contemporary history of World War II must obligatory lead to the conclusion
of the Nurenberg court" ?...

- I don't know exactly the conclusion of the Nuremberg court, so, I can't
make mysetf the apostole of historians. I think that heads needed to be
cutted or rather to hang and turn quickty the page to not be disturbed in
our sleep. But I'm not satlsfied by this point of view and I think that the
responsabltities must be shouldered by more than a few men and by more than
one nation... even if it is so for away from Europe !

* Do you share some common feelings, musical as well ideological level with
Genocide Organ or Tesco ?

- I admire Tesco work with no restricion because it forms a whole which
hides no hypocrisy. A result of excellent musical as well as artistical
quatity. This label has always known how to keep the same baseline and here
is my convergence with this concept, other things don't bother me...

* How can uou define your music, the musical atmospheres you create? Among
the productions or bands, recent or not, what do you like to listen to ?

- I cannot describe the atmospheres I create. For me, everythyng comes from
emotion in its emotionnal quatity with all the evocative side. I think, on
the other hand, that if we want to reach something or someone, we must to
want it and to want it, we must release it from ourselves. This is why I
admire the emotions of Gustay Malher's symphonies.... a pressure sometimes
unbearabte in the "Adagio" and speciaty the sadly superb long slow movement
of the third symphony. This zvocation is a real "topy" with its precise
discrimination and perfectly measured. All is created on this basis,
reflection of perceived images, its integration and in vain, its
transmission... leaving a very strong stamp. This can seem disproportionate
but I feet the same thing listening to extreme music, where begins work of
reflection and interpretation beyond discordance. The music I tisten to is
the same that the one I distribute. I like Cold Meat lndustry, World
Serpent, Discordia... there is no use to mention Tesco now!

* Have you already play live ?

- I shall always remember the Death In June's concert In Amiens where, at
the end, we could listen "Ostenbraun" for the first time. Otherwise. I've
never played on a stage.

* In one of your Previous letter, you wrote me about some of your projects
: '... a compitation Zyklon B, a work about Tibet andin collaboration with
David Tibet, a booklet "Les Joyaux de ta Princesse"... may be another thing
with Douglas Pearce". When this compitation with the friends of Tesco and
of the Karmanik familly from Cold Meat Industry will be availabte ? What
will be its format and its specificity ?

- The last work is "Zyklon B", a compilation with people close to labels
like Cold Meat Industry or Tesco. Here again, the product leaves a strong
impression. The label was designed with genuine documents difficult to
obtain ! The resutt must be judged like a whole and without neglected
nothing even the responsability of some people who talk on it ! This must
be done "for all to know and tonever forget !". The work about Tibet will
never be published. It should consist in a musical soundtrack played during
a festival and an exhibition about Tibet in february 1991 ln Orleans. This
music had been strongly lnspired by Current 93 "Live at bar Matdoror". I
had at the time, David Tibet's authorization for this work and I also
should edit this production in collaboration with the association
France-Tibet... But they never replied to me ! Then "Live at bar Maldoror"
was reteased on CD ! I don't see today on what concept I could base my work
to edit it ! Now, I shall make the booklet and, however, It will be
published !

* What do you want ta say for conclusion ?

- "Sophie Scholl, -student in biology and in philosophy in Munich
University, member of the White Rose movement was arrested and executed
with five other students ln February 1943. She was 22 years old".



"L'Allemagne Annue Zuro" (7", lmtd.500)

"Aux Petits Enfants de France" (tape, reissued on CD, Tesco, 1992)

"Ostenbraun" (dbl.tape, with Death In June, reissued on CD, WSD, 1995)

"Die Weisse Rose" (CD, with Regard Extreme, WSD, 1997)

"Wolf Rune" (7", with Freya Aswynn, ex-Sixth Comm, 1996)

<no title> (10" picture disc, with Muslimgauze)

v/a: "Mysteria Mithrae" (with Philippe Laurent, track "Lumiure Bleue",
Athanor, 1996)








Don Gunning

Brett Smith

Olivier Lebeau

Sebastian Weissenberger

Raven's Chat


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                      Last modified: ─хърсЁ№ 03, 1997
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Сигма, приятель. -MizzeR.

... Teind is coming...
--- профанизм есть индустриальное щупальце мондиализма
 * Origin: ...Мы работаем под угрозой жизни (2:5061/38.242)

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