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Orbital, Future Sound Of London


Kostya Mizer>> All 31.10.1997 22:13 This msg 00000323 First reply 00000000
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> Forvard: Kostya Mizer (2:5061/38.242)
> Area: SU.MUSIC (몠 猪)
> From: Nick Zavriev, 2:5020/893.3 (Thu Oct 30 1997 12:46)
> To: Sergei Ivanov
> Subject: Orbital, Future Sound Of London

Hello Sergei!
Monday October 27 1997, Sergei Ivanov wrote to All:

 SI> ᠡ p᪠ ? 졮 ᮢ⮢ ?


Orbital. 㯯 ⠢ 쥢-殢 Phil Hartnoll & Paul Hartnoll.
[..orbital ⮤..]

FSOL. ⥡ ᮪ Su.Music.Techno FAQ:

=== Cut ===
The Future Sound Of London

    ᪨ ⨢ ⠢ Brian Dougans Gary Cobain.
ᮢ६ ஭ , ᭠
। ᢮ 㭨쭮 ࠡ⮩ 㪮. ⢮⢮
㢥७ ⭥ 뫮 ⨫ ( ᠬ 몠
, neo ambient dub), 砭 FSOL
e 㣨. 㯯 㯠 ⠬, ࠢ ६ ६
㯫 ࠤ. ஭ ⢮⢠ FSOL
- 䨪, ﭭ ⭥ ⮬ - Buggy G. Riphead. FSOL
⠪ ᪮ ६ᮢ 㣨 몠⮢, ⭮
Shamen, Apollo 440, Curve, Inner City. ᨭ Stakker Humanoid
襫 1988 Westside ᥢ Humanoid.
⠥ ᨪ ࠭ Acid House. ⮬ 室
졮 Humanoid "Global LP" 稭 ਮ, ⠢訩
ࠪ᪨ ⭮ ਨ 㯯. ᫥
몠 ᪠ 㬭 ⢮ ਠ ࠧ묨 ᥢ
(ᥣ 㯯 ᯮ짮 12 ). 室 ᭮
ࠧ ( - Jumpin' & Pumpin').
५ 㦥  ⠬. 1991 室
ᨭ "Papua New Guinea" - ᨭ FSOL.
, ।⠢ ᮡ ⠭  ३⮢ ⬠
⭮-⭮ , ਭ᫠ 㯯 ᯥ. ᨭ ⠫
᪨ 襫 㬭 ⢮ ୨.
२ "Hypnotic". 1992 ⮬ Jumpin'
n Pumpin' 室 졮 "Accelerator". 몠 ⮬ ᪥ ।⠢
ᮡ । ࠭ ஭ ⠭楢쭮 몮
ᮢ६ 砭 FSOL, ஥ ⭮ ⮫쪮
- 㯮⮩ PNG Expander. ⠫ 樨
砭 ᪮॥ ࠭ Trance House. 졮 ⠪
२ Hypnotic, 祬 뫨 祭 ⥫
४. 1993 室 졮 Amorphous Androgynous "Tales of Ephidrina".
५ 㯯 Astralwerks/Virgin, 㤥 室
쭥襬 몠. H ⮬ 졮 㦥 ⫨ 襭
ࠪ FSOL - 䠭᪨ 㣠騥 ஭ 㪨,
ᨢ ⥬, ᪠ , ⪨ -
ᮧ ਬ FSOL' ⨭. ᥭ ⠪

>䠪, FSOL ࠥ Robert Fripp, ࠡ

㯯 King Krimson, ⠪ ᮫묨 ࠡ⠬ ᮢ묨 ஥⠬
Brian Eno, The Orb . 1993 室 ᨭ Cascade.
FSOL 뢠 室 ᨭ - ६ ᠬ.
।⠢ ᮡ 뢭 ਠ権 ⥬ ४,
⠬ 室 ⮫쪮 , ਣ 㣠뢠 .

>1994 室, , 訩 ᨭ 㯯 - Lifeforms, ᠭ
>ᮢ⭮ १, ⪮ 㯯 Cocteau Twins, 襤訩

졮 ⠪ , 襤訩 ⮬ . 졮

>Lifeforms, ୮, ᥣ ࠦ 㯯.
>᪨ ⨭, ᬥ 㣠. H஥ 모
>ᯮ ᫠饥, 㣠 ᨢ. 졮, ୮,
> ᨫ쭮 祫 娪. 1994 室

ࠦ 20000 ஢ ࢮ 졮 ISDN, 饣
㯫 㯯 ࠤ. 몠 ISDN ⨯筠 FSOL -
졮 祭 ਯ-宯 ⬮ ⮢ , ᮯ஢
⥬ FSOL'᪨ "窠". 室 ⠪ "Far Out Son Of Long
And The Ramblings of A Madman", ᮤঠ騩 樨 ISDN
, ⠪ ⨫. 1995 室 ஢ २
졮 ISDN 楫 FSOL 祣 譮. 1996 室
졮 Dead Cities, 筮 宦 ।騥.
졮 ᠬ , ६ ᠬ
ࠧࠧ. ਯ-宯 묨
⥯ﭭ묨 ﬨ, 殮 ᨢ . 室 ⠪
ᨭ My Kingdom ( ⮣ 졮, ன
஢ ४ 䨫 Bladerunner), ᤥ
ࠤ Cascade Lifeforms. ᫥ ५ 㯯  ᨭ "We Have Explosive". ࠡ । ࠧ
⢥ত , 㯯 ᠬ஢. 殮 ᨢ ४ ᫥ 졮 ६஢ 䠭 宯 . ᠬ 몠⮢ FSOL, ⮬ ᪥ ।⠢ ६ Leon Mar Kurtis Mantronik.

⪠ ᪮ (㯭 ५)


1992 FSOL "Accelerator" (re-released in 1996 by Hypnotic)
1993 Amorphous Androgynous "Tales of Ephidrina"
1994 FSOL "ISDN" (re-released in 1995)
1994 FSOL "Lifeforms" (2CD)
1996 FSOL "Dead Cities"

(, ࠢ 졮):

1992 FSOL "Papua New Guinea" (re-released in 1996 by Hypnotic)
1993 FSOL "Cascade"
1994 FSOL featuring Elizabeth Fraser "Lifeforms paths 1-7"
1994 FSOL "Far out son of lung and the ramblings of a madman EP"
1996 FSOL "My Kingdom"
1997 FSOL "We Have Explosive"
=== Cut ===
Best regards, Nick.

 + Origin: Invalid origin! System halted... (2:5020/893.3)


⠭ , All!

⫨ 㬨ࠫ MizzeR, AntiMusic & VLD

--- 䠭 ਠ쭮 㯠
 * Origin:  (2:5061/38.242)

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